I have another little dirty confession to make. This may be too dirty for some, reader discretion is advised. I'm almost too embarrassed to admit this out loud. Are you ready for it? ...
I've had the same tube of special concealer for 10 years! Yes...10! Gross right? I can't believe I actually admitted that to ya'll. It sounds gross, but to be completely honest, it hasn't gotten nasty or moldy and has continued to work its wonders all these years.
I'm sad to say that my little tube that is barely the size of a pinkie has finally seen its days. In concealer years, she is 20 years old (assuming most concealers last 6 months) and its time for her fly the coop. This magic concealer was made by Mary Kay but I am disappointed to find out that they don't make it any longer. I actually found that out like 5 years ago which is why I held on to it for 5 more years. Gah this sounds disgusting to say it out loud. In my defense, the tiniest amount this magic paste could cover the nastiest blemish and darkest circles. Hence, I saved it for emergencies only and used a more disposable concealer for everyday use.
Since I have been aware that my beautiful bond would soon end I have been on the search, for about a year, for a concealer equally equivalent. I hate to say that I have failed. Until last week. I have tried everything...top name brands, drug store name brands, you name it, I've tried it. This was not a cheap task either. I've forgone many a lip gloss in the hopes of unveiling a new magic paste. All these so-called concealers I tried turned out to be too thin and rubbed away when base was applied over it or went on too dark and brought more attention to what I was attempting to hide. That really irks me because the point of concealer is to be thick and mask our imperfections - not slide off at the sight of a foreign object coming its way. I need a concealer that can stand up to any job and hide the darkest of circles.
OK, OK...I am getting to it...drum roll please...{I'm not sure how to sound out a drum roll, so please use your best imagination here.}
Physicians Formula - Physicians Strength Concealer
I am super satisfied with this item and over the moon with the fact that it cost less than $10! $10 is probably cheaper than the other stuff you've been using, so when you run out (hopefully not 10 years from now) I definitely recommend trying this baby out. If you don't like it, sell it your sister for $5, or stick it in your mom's Christmas stocking. I love this stuff because it is thick but not quite as thick as caulking. {Also not quite as thick as it's prececessor, but some things are irreplaceable.} It doesn't settle into the fine lines you [don't] have and it doesn't wipe off when applying base. I have finally found my go-to replacement and can use it all I want until they decide to discontinue it (which I cross my fingers never happens - I'd hate to ration a tube of concealer again). If you decide to try this product, and I hope you will, let me know what you think. Oh, and a tip, a little tiny bit goes a long way so squeeze in small bits until you are accustomed to it.
If anyone has somethinge even better, please leave a comment and let me know! I'd love to try it out - I can't live without my concealer. Some say mascara, but concealer would be my one essential make up item to have if ever stranded on an island.
P.S. I know you are supposed to throw make up out after 6 months, a year max. But I don't have any fungus growing on my face (that I know of) or suffered any ridiculous break out, so I'm going to ignore those makeup gurus and keep doing me.