John Eric
John Eric is by far the world's greatest husband. There are not words to describe his immense understanding of me and the limitless love he shows me no matter what. I can be (by 'can be' I mean 'am') very stubborn, hot headed, emotional, and often erratic, but he always finds a way to understand my thoughts and takes the time to bring me back to a stable state. And, Yes, he does make dinner everynight and even "packs" lunch for the both of us every morning. My friends find this quite humorous.
He has such a big heart, but the best part is, he's not sappy and pathetic. He is absolutely HILARIOUS! Ever there be a social gathering, his presence is demanded. As some put it: "he's just so easy to be around", "how do you not sit at home laughing all the time" "JE is the perfect guy" "If ya'll get a divorce, can I marry him" (the last was from a guy). Please note these are the "quoted" opinions of others. Although I may argue these assesments, 99% of time I agree whole heartedly.
My Sisters: Whitney & Michaux
Describing these two could turn into a book. We are extremely close, which in turn means we can have the worst cat fights. But I couldn't imagine any other sisters for me. We just seem to fit.
Whitney is the oldest and the funniest. She has the biggest heart of everyone I know & I know alot of people. Even though she would die if caught naked in public, she would literally give you the shirt off her back if you needed it. Well, she'd probably ask you to get in her car and come to her house where she'd give you have of her wardrobe. "I've been meaning to clean my closet all year" she would insist. Whitney really is so much fun to be around. I often find myself laughing myself into tears or a six pack of abs when I am with her. Oh, she also just had a baby girl (with her awesome husband, Doc) that we are all crazy over!
Michaux, Michaux, Michaux...her name should be a new dictionary entry because believe me, she is one of a kind and the baby of the family. Michaux is alot like me in the quick-tempered-erratic-behavior-sometimes-overreactive sense. But she is much more sensitive and sometimes lost (for lack of a better word) than I. Michaux was born with a twin brother, Rivers. My mom says that from the minute they were born Michaux was 'mad that Rivers was born on her day'. I don't think this is the case. Michaux strives for perfection and feels extremely let down by herself when she misses that mark. Life seems to come easy for Rivers, and I think she holds that against him. None the less, Michaux is a ball to be around, has a wacky zest for life, notices odd things most wouldn't, and seems to be able to read your every thought. Did I forget to mention that she is easy to love? Because she is. I have spent my entire life wanting to take care of her and loving her oh so much.
Rivers is my younger brother and twin of Michaux. Rivers is very level headed, goal oriented, and has a great career ahead of him. He goes after exactly want he wants...well, except for girls. Why he is somewhat scared of girls, I will never know. He is arguably the best-looking and most eligible bachelor in Mullins. Although Mullins is small and this may not seem like a great achievement, he could be in the running for that title in any city. Being the brother of 3 sisters with strong personalities, he tends to sit back and not ruffle any feathers.

Brice is my little cocker spaniel that has a number of quirks. For starters, he seems to believe that he is the pit bull and boss of all dogs. He will play...but he must let them know from the get-go that he is the boss. He screams (not barks) at the door when he is exiting any building. Upon release, he runs a beaten path over and over all while yelping. He knows words and what they mean, such as: Eat, Hungry, Treat, Outside, Bathroom, Ride, & Toy. Somehow he can't seem to catch on to No, Stop, Sit, etc. But if he needs to go to the bathroom, he will keep looking at me very intently. I will say, "Do you need to go outside?" He won't move. Then I say, "You need to go to the bathroom?" He will go crazy and run to the door. So, he is smart when he wants to be but deranged all at the same time.
The Mullins Girls + Anna or The Pee Dee Girls + Marti - any description will do, but it needs to be pointed out that these girls are awesome!
Anna "The one with the best personality"
Marti "The one you always want around"
Madison "The one with the camera" haha Just Kidding Maddy Wagon! We could also call her the one with the perfect figure or the laid back one.
Kelly "The one who can chugg a beer faster than any guy we know"
Lauren "The one who can never pick out an outift even though everything looks great on her"
Meg "The absolutely hilarious one"
Mary Catherine "The tiny one"
Sloan "The one whose life is an open book"
Taylor "The quiet, but really not so quiet if you take the time to sit beside her, one"
These descriptions are merely one trait unique to each because they could all fit the bill of "the pretty one", "the smart one", "the funny one", "the cute one", "the fun one", etc.
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