Guess what everybody? After all my complaining I was able to spend some time at home this weekend. WOOHOO! Yes...I am a happy camper to say the least. I spent most of my weekend working away from home, but when I got back I was footloose and fancy free for the remainder of my time off.
What did we do? Absolutely nothing but piddle and fidget. My oh my was that overdue. I started to work on re-purposing some furniture but it was so blasted hot that I couldn't stand to be outside for long. Then I tried to do it at night when it cooled down, but that was an epic fail. It is so dry and dusty out due to the drought, which meant every time I painted dust stuck to the wet paint. First I thought I bought textured paint. Then I used my head and realized what was going on. Talk about a mess and a pain in my neck. Actually, a pain in my left shoulder blade now that I will have to strip the pieces and start over and paint with a brush indoors. You live, you learn, and pray for rain...lots and lots of rain.
Aside from that, I also learned another lesson when I went to painting this thrift store beauty.
Vintage Cosco Step Ladder Chair...Likey? |
I thought I was genius for coming up with the idea to paint inside the screen porch. We haven't had the time to redecorate the porch like we have planned, so I figured I couldn't really hurt anything and the spray doesn't typically go too far. Well...the spray paint doesn't spray all over...IF you don't have the ceiling fan on!!! Yes I am serious. Biggest mistake EVER! There was red paint everywhere - on the green astroturf, on the futon, on the leg of my wicker chair, etc. Worst place to find the paint? In my nose!!! nostrils were full of it, as was the bottom of the shower. It was quite the humorous disaster. But in the end I love how the chair turned out...take a look.
and After - Lady in Red |
What do ya'll think? I love it and hated to part with it - it is a one-of-a-kind accent piece that would be great in a kitchen or lounge room. In doing some research I found these babies are going for $75 - $200 a pop - and that's before a little TLC. This one won't cost so much & can be found in our antique booth in Mullins at the Golden Leaf Antique Market beginning in August if you are interested. I do hope that the Lady in Red will find a happy home; she certainly deserves it after what I put her through on that red smoky porch. As for the astroturf? Now John Eric says we can get new flooring out there. If I knew that is all I had to do, I would have done it the day I moved in! Guess I'll have to do my next spray paint project in the den. Just Kidding! I wouldn't chance that. Well, I wouldn't exactly put it past me.
Anyways, thanks for stopping by and hopefully I'll have more pieces to share sooner than later!
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