Tuesday, April 19, 2011

hold the nose whistle, HGTV marge is here.

It's inevitible.  I hit another speed bump in my little parking lot of blogs.  The be completely frank, I've just been in a crappy mood.  I'm not sure what it is.  Well, I am sure what it is, but apparently I haven't gotten past it.

I'll tell you what kind of mood it has been - one of those where even quietness gets on your nerves.  Like when you are sleeping and your husband gets one of those stupid little whistle things in his nose?  You know, like the light high pitched whistle coming from his nostril every time he exhales.  I mean what do you do?  NOTHING!?  Why interrupt his peaceful sleep to rant about your new pet peeve?  Lately I feel about as pleasant as that stupid nose whistle.

HOWEVER, I am starting to turn this little mood of mine around and it is all thanks to my mother (I may very well regret this sentence soon, but it makes me happy for now).  Mommies (yes, I am too old to use the word mommy but I dare you to test me on that right now) always have the right answer.  Well not always, but I'm giving her credit where its due.  In my case, she arrived just in time with the right decor and just the right layout.

My downward spiral started with admitting John Eric's hoarding, which he refers to as antiquing, was getting the best of me.  To be fair, I have a lot of "antiques" too, but this isn't about me.  Oh wait, yes it is. It's about me and my writer's block, my so-called decorator's block, my creativity block...now are you seeing why you didn't want a blog from me lately?  I was having all these blocks because I couldn't get my house right!  AHHHHHHH!  Whew...feel betta'?

So, my mom came and she must have thought it was really bad.  Even I knew it was bad.  I sat in the middle of my living room the week before and cried like someone took my ice cream and ate it in front of me.  Poor John Eric.  He walked right outside and threw away those Bi-Lo baskets.  Bless his heart.  But its not really those things, it was everything!!!!  I have nice things, but  I just couldn't put anything in the right spot...not even Brice, and he is usually easy to place...he likes to be by the door.  HAHAHA  Oh yeah sista, I am on a roll now.  Geez...ADD.

Back to Marge.  She literally swooped right in and swooped me right out.  She took one good gander, turned to me and said, "will you please leave?"  I jumped on that like I would my returned ice cream cause I knew I wouldn't be forced to move any furniture.  So I left her and the boys to ponder over the mess I had created and called a living room.  Where did I go?  To the tanning bed, DUH!

Upon my return I found bliss and amazement in the fact that she was able to merge old leather with new leather, movie theater tv with a cozy desk nook, rustic brick with new shiny things, my entire room and cheetah window treatments...(hahaha this sounds so crazy, but trust me it works and they don't scream cheetah stripper dance or anything hideous like that)...and last but not least...

my favorite things

with his favorite things...

to form holy matrimony...

Because isn't what it's all about?

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