Where were we? I believe we ended with John Eric and the pillow (and I’ll just leave it at that). Nothing more really happened at the house. Anna and I continued in getting the food ready and eventually getting ourselves ready. John Eric continued on with his antics. Then Anna continued playing the buffer between us since I didn’t have my wine.
We were finally able to get ready and get out of the house. But a day of cooking isn’t successful without a couple of accidents thrown in. I forgot to tell you that I nearly burnt my eyebrows off when I turned on the stove top. We called John Hanna (it was his guest house we were staying in) to laugh about the story and to make sure we weren’t about to burn down the house. No remorse from him. His response? “At least Jean won’t have to pluck her eyebrows for tonight.” I have to admit, that made me laugh. I still had to pluck them though. We didn’t have enough grape jelly & ketchup for the meatballs and we didn’t have any sour cream for my dip. We are pretty smart gals and we were able to make it work, but those secrets will be left unsaid. The last appetizer we had to make were Totino’s Pizza Rolls (which are always a hit and the easiest thing you could possibly do). We made the mistake of letting John Eric finish that task so we would be ready on time. Lets just say we were blessed that only one pizza roll ended up charred on the bottom of the oven (oops…sorry John Hanna).
After a long ride of listening to Jimmy and John Eric “sing” Willy & Waylon we finally arrived at The Game Changer to get the party started. John Eric did not have a clue and was completely surprised! See the look of surprise on his face below? Or are you wondering what is in the crock pot?
The night was filled lots of smiles and laughs...
Kris & Chaux acting frisky! |
Chasity & Rivers
Jimmy (aka Waylon) & Kelly |
Anderson Girls: Me, Ashleigh, Michaux, Whitney |
Mama & Carol (Carol is a big fan of this picture.) |
The night went on with some PG shagging...
Michaux & Mr. Bubba |
then PG-13...
then John Eric took it to a whole new level...Here is a little preview...
Yes, he is taking his shirt off. Let's just say he put on a very special routine & pulled out some signature moves for everyone. The rest is history. "What happens at The Game Changer, stays at The Game Changer."
But he better hope this shoe wasn't left at The Game Changer.
I mustn't forget to give credit to the fabulous photographer of the pictures featured in this blog. All pictures courtesy of Margaret White Carroll. ;)