Monday, March 7, 2011

I'm back...well, let's hope so.

So I know my so-called "blog" has inevitably turned into another one of those latest fad things.  I started off thinking I would blog my life away, make time for it because I "enjoyed"it (like those people who enjoy running?), maybe gain some followers, etc.  But it has basically turned into my latest diet or work out routine...non-existent!!!  I have decided to challenge myself to blogging everyday for the next 2 weeks.

Everyday is A LOT and I don't plan to blog everyday of my life.  There simply isn't time for that in my 8 - 5, which usually turns into, 8 - 6:30 work days.  And don't forget the 30 minute traffic war to get there and back each day.  Oh, and exercising (yes I have developed a routine and yes feel free to cheer out loud), cleaning, laundry, packing, unpacking, paying attention to my dog, and that husband of mine, shopping, crafting, sewing, and catching some TV shows, etc.  HOW, I repeat, HOW do you ladies with full time jobs and children do it?  I will never know, well I hope to know sometime...sooner than later...just putting that out there case you are case you want to send a stork to my stoop...wink wink.

Don't get me wrong, I am not complaining.  I love my life and have learned to balance it - that took a year or two, but I have finally done so.  So now is the time to add in something new!  Apparently I thrive off stress!  But why hasn't that made me a millionaire yet?  Actually, I take that back.  I don't want to be a millionaire.  My family gets on my nerves enough (I say this with love).  I don't need a new unknown family to pop up in my life.  Then I would have to increase my Lexapro to 2 a day!  Just playing.  I already take 2.  [Insert ROTFL Blackberry emoticon here.]

OK, so here goes my 14 day challenge...wish me luck!

Might I add that the only reason I am actually blogging today is because I am home sick?  YUCK!  This so-called bug of mine started yesterday on our way home from Sarah & Justin's wedding.  I normally call these things a hangover.  However, this hangover has decided to hang around (pun intended) into Monday, so what do you call that?  A son-of-a-gun, that's what I call it.  I'm talking puking out the car window and don't care if the preacher sees you kind of hangover.  Yep, that bad.  I am sticking with my defense that I was the bell of the ball (over the bride??? not so much) and some guy there wanted me so badly so he slipped me a roofie.  John Eric is having a hard time buying this (why would he not believe this is another conversation) and claims it was the "get me another beer, I'll hold that one under my arm since both hands already have a beer" that got me.  But we all know that husbands don't know what they are talking about...right?  Oh well, the liquor flu it is, and it is full fledge.

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